
Here are some great jokes that I have made and also seen across the intertubes


Programming Languages

  • Ever wonder why Java’s logo is the coffee cup? Because you stay up all night debugging it.
  • The C in the C programming language stands for Can’t write in C.
  • I learned today that snakes are the natural enemies of primates. No wonder I hate Python!
  • So I told me friend that I was writing up some pseudo code, he said cool but accidentally ran it in python
  • Why is it called OOP (Object orientated programming)? Because the first word out of a programmer’s mouth when they run the program they wrote is oops.
  • The serpent that tempted Adam and Eve was python tempting two developers with easy syntax.


  • That high you get when you finished programming the FPGA is from dehydration not dopamine/adrenaline
  • A short one: Nvidia’s Linux driver support (muh blobs!)


  • Why write SPI drivers when you could do the same thing by hitting your hand with a hammer?
  • Git stands for Git is Temperamental