path: root/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c
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authorjoshua <>2023-12-30 23:54:31 -0500
committerjoshua <>2023-12-30 23:54:31 -0500
commit86608c6770cf08c138a2bdab5855072f64be09ef (patch)
tree494a61b3ef37e76f9235a0d10f5c93d97290a35f /Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c
initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c')
1 files changed, 3797 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f93e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3797 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
+ * functionalities of the Digital Filter for Sigma-Delta Modulators
+ * (DFSDM) peripherals:
+ * + Initialization and configuration of channels and filters
+ * + Regular channels configuration
+ * + Injected channels configuration
+ * + Regular/Injected Channels DMA Configuration
+ * + Interrupts and flags management
+ * + Analog watchdog feature
+ * + Short-circuit detector feature
+ * + Extremes detector feature
+ * + Clock absence detector feature
+ * + Break generation on analog watchdog or short-circuit event
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
+ * in the root directory of this software component.
+ * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ @verbatim
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### How to use this driver #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..]
+ *** Channel initialization ***
+ ==============================
+ [..]
+ (#) User has first to initialize channels (before filters initialization).
+ (#) As prerequisite, fill in the HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit() :
+ (++) Enable DFSDMz clock interface with __HAL_RCC_DFSDMz_CLK_ENABLE().
+ (++) Enable the clocks for the DFSDMz GPIOS with __HAL_RCC_GPIOx_CLK_ENABLE().
+ (++) Configure these DFSDMz pins in alternate mode using HAL_GPIO_Init().
+ (++) If interrupt mode is used, enable and configure DFSDMz_FLT0 global
+ interrupt with HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ().
+ (#) Configure the output clock, input, serial interface, analog watchdog,
+ offset and data right bit shift parameters for this channel using the
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelInit() function.
+ *** Channel clock absence detector ***
+ ======================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Start clock absence detector using HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStart() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStart_IT().
+ (#) In polling mode, use HAL_DFSDM_ChannelPollForCkab() to detect the clock
+ absence.
+ (#) In interrupt mode, HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback() will be called if
+ clock absence is detected.
+ (#) Stop clock absence detector using HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStop() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStop_IT().
+ (#) Please note that the same mode (polling or interrupt) has to be used
+ for all channels because the channels are sharing the same interrupt.
+ (#) Please note also that in interrupt mode, if clock absence detector is
+ stopped for one channel, interrupt will be disabled for all channels.
+ *** Channel short circuit detector ***
+ ======================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Start short circuit detector using HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStart() or
+ or HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStart_IT().
+ (#) In polling mode, use HAL_DFSDM_ChannelPollForScd() to detect short
+ circuit.
+ (#) In interrupt mode, HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback() will be called if
+ short circuit is detected.
+ (#) Stop short circuit detector using HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStop() or
+ or HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStop_IT().
+ (#) Please note that the same mode (polling or interrupt) has to be used
+ for all channels because the channels are sharing the same interrupt.
+ (#) Please note also that in interrupt mode, if short circuit detector is
+ stopped for one channel, interrupt will be disabled for all channels.
+ *** Channel analog watchdog value ***
+ =====================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Get analog watchdog filter value of a channel using
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelGetAwdValue().
+ *** Channel offset value ***
+ =====================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Modify offset value of a channel using HAL_DFSDM_ChannelModifyOffset().
+ *** Filter initialization ***
+ =============================
+ [..]
+ (#) After channel initialization, user has to init filters.
+ (#) As prerequisite, fill in the HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit() :
+ (++) If interrupt mode is used , enable and configure DFSDMz_FLTx global
+ interrupt with HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ().
+ Please note that DFSDMz_FLT0 global interrupt could be already
+ enabled if interrupt is used for channel.
+ (++) If DMA mode is used, configure DMA with HAL_DMA_Init() and link it
+ with DFSDMz filter handle using __HAL_LINKDMA().
+ (#) Configure the regular conversion, injected conversion and filter
+ parameters for this filter using the HAL_DFSDM_FilterInit() function.
+ *** Filter regular channel conversion ***
+ =========================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Select regular channel and enable/disable continuous mode using
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterConfigRegChannel().
+ (#) Start regular conversion using HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart(),
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_IT(), HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_DMA() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularMsbStart_DMA().
+ (#) In polling mode, use HAL_DFSDM_FilterPollForRegConversion() to detect
+ the end of regular conversion.
+ (#) In interrupt mode, HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback() will be called
+ at the end of regular conversion.
+ (#) Get value of regular conversion and corresponding channel using
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetRegularValue().
+ (#) In DMA mode, HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback() and
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback() will be called respectively at the
+ half transfer and at the transfer complete. Please note that
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback() will be called only in DMA
+ circular mode.
+ (#) Stop regular conversion using HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop(),
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop_IT() or HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop_DMA().
+ *** Filter injected channels conversion ***
+ ===========================================
+ [..]
+ (#) Select injected channels using HAL_DFSDM_FilterConfigInjChannel().
+ (#) Start injected conversion using HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart(),
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart_IT(), HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart_DMA() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedMsbStart_DMA().
+ (#) In polling mode, use HAL_DFSDM_FilterPollForInjConversion() to detect
+ the end of injected conversion.
+ (#) In interrupt mode, HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback() will be called
+ at the end of injected conversion.
+ (#) Get value of injected conversion and corresponding channel using
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetInjectedValue().
+ (#) In DMA mode, HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback() and
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback() will be called respectively at the
+ half transfer and at the transfer complete. Please note that
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback() will be called only in DMA
+ circular mode.
+ (#) Stop injected conversion using HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop(),
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop_IT() or HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop_DMA().
+ *** Filter analog watchdog ***
+ ==============================
+ [..]
+ (#) Start filter analog watchdog using HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdStart_IT().
+ (#) HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback() will be called if analog watchdog occurs.
+ (#) Stop filter analog watchdog using HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdStop_IT().
+ *** Filter extreme detector ***
+ ===============================
+ [..]
+ (#) Start filter extreme detector using HAL_DFSDM_FilterExdStart().
+ (#) Get extreme detector maximum value using HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetExdMaxValue().
+ (#) Get extreme detector minimum value using HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetExdMinValue().
+ (#) Start filter extreme detector using HAL_DFSDM_FilterExdStop().
+ *** Filter conversion time ***
+ ==============================
+ [..]
+ (#) Get conversion time value using HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetConvTimeValue().
+ *** Callback registration ***
+ =============================
+ [..]
+ The compilation define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
+ allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
+ Use functions HAL_DFSDM_Channel_RegisterCallback(),
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterCallback() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterAwdCallback() to register a user callback.
+ [..]
+ Function HAL_DFSDM_Channel_RegisterCallback() allows to register
+ following callbacks:
+ (+) CkabCallback : DFSDM channel clock absence detection callback.
+ (+) ScdCallback : DFSDM channel short circuit detection callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : DFSDM channel MSP init callback.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : DFSDM channel MSP de-init callback.
+ [..]
+ This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
+ and a pointer to the user callback function.
+ [..]
+ Function HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterCallback() allows to register
+ following callbacks:
+ (+) RegConvCpltCallback : DFSDM filter regular conversion complete callback.
+ (+) RegConvHalfCpltCallback : DFSDM filter half regular conversion complete callback.
+ (+) InjConvCpltCallback : DFSDM filter injected conversion complete callback.
+ (+) InjConvHalfCpltCallback : DFSDM filter half injected conversion complete callback.
+ (+) ErrorCallback : DFSDM filter error callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : DFSDM filter MSP init callback.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : DFSDM filter MSP de-init callback.
+ [..]
+ This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
+ and a pointer to the user callback function.
+ [..]
+ For specific DFSDM filter analog watchdog callback use dedicated register callback:
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterAwdCallback().
+ [..]
+ Use functions HAL_DFSDM_Channel_UnRegisterCallback() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_UnRegisterCallback() to reset a callback to the default
+ weak function.
+ [..]
+ HAL_DFSDM_Channel_UnRegisterCallback() takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
+ and the Callback ID.
+ [..]
+ This function allows to reset following callbacks:
+ (+) CkabCallback : DFSDM channel clock absence detection callback.
+ (+) ScdCallback : DFSDM channel short circuit detection callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : DFSDM channel MSP init callback.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : DFSDM channel MSP de-init callback.
+ [..]
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_UnRegisterCallback() takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
+ and the Callback ID.
+ [..]
+ This function allows to reset following callbacks:
+ (+) RegConvCpltCallback : DFSDM filter regular conversion complete callback.
+ (+) RegConvHalfCpltCallback : DFSDM filter half regular conversion complete callback.
+ (+) InjConvCpltCallback : DFSDM filter injected conversion complete callback.
+ (+) InjConvHalfCpltCallback : DFSDM filter half injected conversion complete callback.
+ (+) ErrorCallback : DFSDM filter error callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : DFSDM filter MSP init callback.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : DFSDM filter MSP de-init callback.
+ [..]
+ For specific DFSDM filter analog watchdog callback use dedicated unregister callback:
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_UnRegisterAwdCallback().
+ [..]
+ By default, after the call of init function and if the state is RESET
+ all callbacks are reset to the corresponding legacy weak functions:
+ examples HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback(), HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback().
+ Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit callbacks that are respectively
+ reset to the legacy weak functions in the init and de-init only when these
+ callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
+ If not, MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the init and de-init keep and use
+ the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand)
+ [..]
+ Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in READY state only.
+ Exception done for MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks that can be registered/unregistered
+ in READY or RESET state, thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used
+ during the init/de-init.
+ In that case first register the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks using
+ HAL_DFSDM_Channel_RegisterCallback() or
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterCallback() before calling init or de-init function.
+ [..]
+ When The compilation define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
+ not defined, the callback registering feature is not available
+ and weak callbacks are used.
+ @endverbatim
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM DFSDM
+ * @brief DFSDM HAL driver module
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Private_Define DFSDM Private Define
+ * @{
+ */
+#define DFSDM_MSB_MASK 0xFFFF0000U
+#define DFSDM_LSB_MASK 0x0000FFFFU
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Private_Variables DFSDM Private Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+static __IO uint32_t v_dfsdm1ChannelCounter = 0;
+static DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle[DFSDM1_CHANNEL_NUMBER] = {NULL};
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+static __IO uint32_t v_dfsdm2ChannelCounter = 0;
+static DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *a_dfsdm2ChannelHandle[DFSDM2_CHANNEL_NUMBER] = {NULL};
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Private_Functions DFSDM Private Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+static uint32_t DFSDM_GetInjChannelsNbr(uint32_t Channels);
+static uint32_t DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(const DFSDM_Channel_TypeDef *Instance);
+static void DFSDM_RegConvStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter);
+static void DFSDM_RegConvStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter);
+static void DFSDM_InjConvStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter);
+static void DFSDM_InjConvStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter);
+static void DFSDM_DMARegularHalfConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void DFSDM_DMARegularConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void DFSDM_DMAInjectedHalfConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void DFSDM_DMAInjectedConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void DFSDM_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions DFSDM Exported Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group1_Channel Channel initialization and de-initialization functions
+ * @brief Channel initialization and de-initialization functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Channel initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Initialize the DFSDM channel.
+ (+) De-initialize the DFSDM channel.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Initialize the DFSDM channel according to the specified parameters
+ * in the DFSDM_ChannelInitTypeDef structure and initialize the associated handle.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelInit(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ __IO uint32_t *channelCounterPtr;
+ DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef **channelHandleTable;
+ DFSDM_Channel_TypeDef *channel0Instance;
+ /* Check DFSDM Channel handle */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel == NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Activation));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_INPUT(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.Multiplexer));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_DATA_PACKING(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.DataPacking));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_INPUT_PINS(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.Pins));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SERIAL_INTERFACE_TYPE(hdfsdm_channel->Init.SerialInterface.Type));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SPI_CLOCK(hdfsdm_channel->Init.SerialInterface.SpiClock));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_FILTER_ORDER(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Awd.FilterOrder));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_FILTER_OVS_RATIO(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Awd.Oversampling));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_OFFSET(hdfsdm_channel->Init.Offset));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_RIGHT_BIT_SHIFT(hdfsdm_channel->Init.RightBitShift));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm1ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM1_Channel0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm2ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm2ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM2_Channel0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm1ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM1_Channel0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check that channel has not been already initialized */
+ if (channelHandleTable[DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance)] != NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Reset callback pointers to the weak predefined callbacks */
+ hdfsdm_channel->CkabCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback;
+ hdfsdm_channel->ScdCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback;
+ /* Call MSP init function */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit;
+ }
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* Call MSP init function */
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* Update the channel counter */
+ (*channelCounterPtr)++;
+ /* Configure output serial clock and enable global DFSDM interface only for first channel */
+ if(*channelCounterPtr == 1U)
+ {
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_CLOCK(hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Selection));
+ /* Set the output serial clock source */
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKOUTSRC);
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 |= hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Selection;
+ /* Reset clock divider */
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKOUTDIV);
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Activation == ENABLE)
+ {
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_CLOCK_DIVIDER(hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Divider));
+ /* Set the output clock divider */
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 |= (uint32_t)((hdfsdm_channel->Init.OutputClock.Divider - 1U) <<
+ }
+ /* enable the DFSDM global interface */
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_DFSDMEN;
+ }
+ /* Set channel input parameters */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_DATPACK | DFSDM_CHCFGR1_DATMPX |
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= (hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.Multiplexer |
+ hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.DataPacking |
+ hdfsdm_channel->Init.Input.Pins);
+ /* Set serial interface parameters */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SITP | DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SPICKSEL);
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= (hdfsdm_channel->Init.SerialInterface.Type |
+ hdfsdm_channel->Init.SerialInterface.SpiClock);
+ /* Set analog watchdog parameters */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHAWSCDR |= (hdfsdm_channel->Init.Awd.FilterOrder |
+ ((hdfsdm_channel->Init.Awd.Oversampling - 1U) << DFSDM_CHAWSCDR_AWFOSR_Pos));
+ /* Set channel offset and right bit shift */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR2 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR2_OFFSET | DFSDM_CHCFGR2_DTRBS);
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR2 |= (((uint32_t) hdfsdm_channel->Init.Offset << DFSDM_CHCFGR2_OFFSET_Pos) |
+ (hdfsdm_channel->Init.RightBitShift << DFSDM_CHCFGR2_DTRBS_Pos));
+ /* Enable DFSDM channel */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CHEN;
+ /* Set DFSDM Channel to ready state */
+ hdfsdm_channel->State = HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY;
+ /* Store channel handle in DFSDM channel handle table */
+ channelHandleTable[DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance)] = hdfsdm_channel;
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief De-initialize the DFSDM channel.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelDeInit(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ __IO uint32_t *channelCounterPtr;
+ DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef **channelHandleTable;
+ DFSDM_Channel_TypeDef *channel0Instance;
+ /* Check DFSDM Channel handle */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel == NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm1ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM1_Channel0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm2ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm2ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM2_Channel0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ channelCounterPtr = &v_dfsdm1ChannelCounter;
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ channel0Instance = DFSDM1_Channel0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check that channel has not been already deinitialized */
+ if (channelHandleTable[DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance)] == NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Disable the DFSDM channel */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CHEN);
+ /* Update the channel counter */
+ (*channelCounterPtr)--;
+ /* Disable global DFSDM at deinit of last channel */
+ if (*channelCounterPtr == 0U)
+ {
+ channel0Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_DFSDMEN);
+ }
+ /* Call MSP deinit function */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit;
+ }
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback(hdfsdm_channel);
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* Set DFSDM Channel in reset state */
+ hdfsdm_channel->State = HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESET;
+ /* Reset channel handle in DFSDM channel handle table */
+ channelHandleTable[DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance)] = (DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *) NULL;
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief Initialize the DFSDM channel MSP.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the function is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief De-initialize the DFSDM channel MSP.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the function is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Register a user DFSDM channel callback
+ * to be used instead of the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_CKAB_CB_ID clock absence detection callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SCD_CB_ID short circuit detection callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_MSPINIT_CB_ID MSP init callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MSP de-init callback ID.
+ * @param pCallback pointer to the callback function.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Channel_RegisterCallback(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ HAL_DFSDM_Channel_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID,
+ pDFSDM_Channel_CallbackTypeDef pCallback)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(pCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_channel->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->CkabCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->ScdCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESET == hdfsdm_channel->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief Unregister a user DFSDM channel callback.
+ * DFSDM channel callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_CKAB_CB_ID clock absence detection callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SCD_CB_ID short circuit detection callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_MSPINIT_CB_ID MSP init callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MSP de-init callback ID.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Channel_UnRegisterCallback(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ HAL_DFSDM_Channel_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_channel->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->CkabCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->ScdCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESET == hdfsdm_channel->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspInit;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_channel->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_ChannelMspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group2_Channel Channel operation functions
+ * @brief Channel operation functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Channel operation functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Manage clock absence detector feature.
+ (+) Manage short circuit detector feature.
+ (+) Get analog watchdog value.
+ (+) Modify offset value.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to start clock absence detection in polling mode.
+ * @note Same mode has to be used for all channels.
+ * @note If clock is not available on this channel during 5 seconds,
+ * clock absence detection will not be activated and function
+ * will return HAL_TIMEOUT error.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStart(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get channel number from channel instance */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Clear clock absence flag */
+ while ((((filter0Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF) >> (DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF_Pos + channel)) & 1U) != 0U)
+ {
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > DFSDM_CKAB_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ /* Set timeout status */
+ status = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(status == HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Start clock absence detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKABEN;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to poll for the clock absence detection.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param Timeout Timeout value in milliseconds.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelPollForCkab(const DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get channel number from channel instance */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Wait clock absence detection */
+ while ((((filter0Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF) >> (DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF_Pos + channel)) & 1U) == 0U)
+ {
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if(((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Return timeout status */
+ return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear clock absence detection flag */
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ * @brief This function allows to stop clock absence detection in polling mode.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStop(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop clock absence detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKABEN);
+ /* Clear clock absence flag */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start clock absence detection in interrupt mode.
+ * @note Same mode has to be used for all channels.
+ * @note If clock is not available on this channel during 5 seconds,
+ * clock absence detection will not be activated and function
+ * will return HAL_TIMEOUT error.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStart_IT(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get channel number from channel instance */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Clear clock absence flag */
+ while ((((filter0Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF) >> (DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF_Pos + channel)) & 1U) != 0U)
+ {
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > DFSDM_CKAB_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ /* Set timeout status */
+ status = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(status == HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Activate clock absence detection interrupt */
+ filter0Instance->FLTCR2 |= DFSDM_FLTCR2_CKABIE;
+ /* Start clock absence detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKABEN;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief Clock absence detection callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback could be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to stop clock absence detection in interrupt mode.
+ * @note Interrupt will be disabled for all channels
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabStop_IT(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop clock absence detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKABEN);
+ /* Clear clock absence flag */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Disable clock absence detection interrupt */
+ filter0Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_CKABIE);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start short circuit detection in polling mode.
+ * @note Same mode has to be used for all channels
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param Threshold Short circuit detector threshold.
+ * This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 255.
+ * @param BreakSignal Break signals assigned to short circuit event.
+ * This parameter can be a values combination of @ref DFSDM_BreakSignals.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStart(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ uint32_t Threshold,
+ uint32_t BreakSignal)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SCD_THRESHOLD(Threshold));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_BREAK_SIGNALS(BreakSignal));
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Configure threshold and break signals */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHAWSCDR |= ((BreakSignal << DFSDM_CHAWSCDR_BKSCD_Pos) | \
+ Threshold);
+ /* Start short circuit detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SCDEN;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to poll for the short circuit detection.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param Timeout Timeout value in milliseconds.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelPollForScd(const DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get channel number from channel instance */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Wait short circuit detection */
+ while (((filter0Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_SCDF) >> (DFSDM_FLTISR_SCDF_Pos + channel)) == 0U)
+ {
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if(((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Return timeout status */
+ return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear short circuit detection flag */
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCDF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ * @brief This function allows to stop short circuit detection in polling mode.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStop(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop short circuit detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SCDEN);
+ /* Clear short circuit detection flag */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCDF_Pos + channel));
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start short circuit detection in interrupt mode.
+ * @note Same mode has to be used for all channels
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param Threshold Short circuit detector threshold.
+ * This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 255.
+ * @param BreakSignal Break signals assigned to short circuit event.
+ * This parameter can be a values combination of @ref DFSDM_BreakSignals.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStart_IT(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ uint32_t Threshold,
+ uint32_t BreakSignal)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_SCD_THRESHOLD(Threshold));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_BREAK_SIGNALS(BreakSignal));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Activate short circuit detection interrupt */
+ filter0Instance->FLTCR2 |= DFSDM_FLTCR2_SCDIE;
+ /* Configure threshold and break signals */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHAWSCDR |= ((BreakSignal << DFSDM_CHAWSCDR_BKSCD_Pos) | \
+ Threshold);
+ /* Start short circuit detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 |= DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SCDEN;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief Short circuit detection callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_channel);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback could be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to stop short circuit detection in interrupt mode.
+ * @note Interrupt will be disabled for all channels
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdStop_IT(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t channel;
+ DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_CHANNEL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop short circuit detection */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR1 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR1_SCDEN);
+ /* Clear short circuit detection flag */
+ channel = DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(hdfsdm_channel->Instance);
+ filter0Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCDF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Disable short circuit detection interrupt */
+ filter0Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_SCDIE);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to get channel analog watchdog value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval Channel analog watchdog value.
+ */
+int16_t HAL_DFSDM_ChannelGetAwdValue(const DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ return (int16_t) hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHWDATAR;
+ * @brief This function allows to modify channel offset value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @param Offset DFSDM channel offset.
+ * This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = -8388608 and Max_Data = 8388607.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelModifyOffset(DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel,
+ int32_t Offset)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_channel->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CHANNEL_OFFSET(Offset));
+ /* Check DFSDM channel state */
+ if(hdfsdm_channel->State != HAL_DFSDM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Modify channel offset */
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR2 &= ~(DFSDM_CHCFGR2_OFFSET);
+ hdfsdm_channel->Instance->CHCFGR2 |= ((uint32_t) Offset << DFSDM_CHCFGR2_OFFSET_Pos);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group3_Channel Channel state function
+ * @brief Channel state function
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Channel state function #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides function allowing to:
+ (+) Get channel handle state.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to get the current DFSDM channel handle state.
+ * @param hdfsdm_channel DFSDM channel handle.
+ * @retval DFSDM channel state.
+ */
+HAL_DFSDM_Channel_StateTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_ChannelGetState(const DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_channel)
+ /* Return DFSDM channel handle state */
+ return hdfsdm_channel->State;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group1_Filter Filter initialization and de-initialization functions
+ * @brief Filter initialization and de-initialization functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Filter initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Initialize the DFSDM filter.
+ (+) De-initialize the DFSDM filter.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Initialize the DFSDM filter according to the specified parameters
+ * in the DFSDM_FilterInitTypeDef structure and initialize the associated handle.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInit(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ const DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ /* Check DFSDM Channel handle */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter == NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_REG_TRIGGER(hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.Trigger));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.FastMode));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.DmaMode));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_INJ_TRIGGER(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.Trigger));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ScanMode));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.DmaMode));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_SINC_ORDER(hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.SincOrder));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_OVS_RATIO(hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.Oversampling));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_INTEGRATOR_OVS_RATIO(hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.IntOversampling));
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_FILTER_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance))
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check parameters compatibility */
+ if ((hdfsdm_filter->Instance == filter0Instance) &&
+ ((hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.Trigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SYNC_TRIGGER) ||
+ (hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.Trigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SYNC_TRIGGER)))
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Initialize DFSDM filter variables with default values */
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode = DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr = 1;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = 1;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCode = DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Reset callback pointers to the weak predefined callbacks */
+ hdfsdm_filter->AwdCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback;
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback;
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvHalfCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvHalfCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback;
+ /* Call MSP init function */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit;
+ }
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Call MSP init function */
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Set regular parameters */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSYNC);
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.FastMode == ENABLE)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_FAST;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_FAST);
+ }
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.DmaMode == ENABLE)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN);
+ }
+ /* Set injected parameters */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.Trigger == DFSDM_FILTER_EXT_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_EXT_TRIG(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ExtTrigger));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_EXT_TRIG_EDGE(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ExtTriggerEdge));
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= (hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ExtTrigger);
+ }
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ScanMode == ENABLE)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSCAN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSCAN);
+ }
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.DmaMode == ENABLE)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN);
+ }
+ /* Set filter parameters */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTFCR |= (hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.SincOrder |
+ ((hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.Oversampling - 1U) << DFSDM_FLTFCR_FOSR_Pos) |
+ (hdfsdm_filter->Init.FilterParam.IntOversampling - 1U));
+ /* Store regular and injected triggers and injected scan mode*/
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger = hdfsdm_filter->Init.RegularParam.Trigger;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger = hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.Trigger;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ExtTriggerEdge = hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ExtTriggerEdge;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode = hdfsdm_filter->Init.InjectedParam.ScanMode;
+ /* Enable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN;
+ /* Set DFSDM filter to ready state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY;
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief De-initializes the DFSDM filter.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterDeInit(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Check DFSDM filter handle */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter == NULL)
+ {
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Disable the DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN);
+ /* Call MSP deinit function */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit;
+ }
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in reset state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET;
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief Initializes the DFSDM filter MSP.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the function is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief De-initializes the DFSDM filter MSP.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the function is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Register a user DFSDM filter callback
+ * to be used instead of the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_REGCONV_COMPLETE_CB_ID regular conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_REGCONV_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID half regular conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_INJCONV_COMPLETE_CB_ID injected conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_INJCONV_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID half injected conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_CB_ID error callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_MSPINIT_CB_ID MSP init callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MSP de-init callback ID.
+ * @param pCallback pointer to the callback function.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID,
+ pDFSDM_Filter_CallbackTypeDef pCallback)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(pCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvCpltCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvHalfCpltCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvCpltCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvHalfCpltCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief Unregister a user DFSDM filter callback.
+ * DFSDM filter callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_REGCONV_COMPLETE_CB_ID regular conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_REGCONV_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID half regular conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_INJCONV_COMPLETE_CB_ID injected conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_INJCONV_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID half injected conversion complete callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_CB_ID error callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_MSPINIT_CB_ID MSP init callback ID.
+ * @arg @ref HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MSP de-init callback ID.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Filter_UnRegisterCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ HAL_DFSDM_Filter_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvHalfCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvHalfCpltCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit;
+ break;
+ hdfsdm_filter->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief Register a user DFSDM filter analog watchdog callback
+ * to be used instead of the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param pCallback pointer to the DFSDM filter analog watchdog callback function.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Filter_RegisterAwdCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ pDFSDM_Filter_AwdCallbackTypeDef pCallback)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(pCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->AwdCallback = pCallback;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief Unregister a user DFSDM filter analog watchdog callback.
+ * DFSDM filter AWD callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status.
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_Filter_UnRegisterAwdCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if(HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY == hdfsdm_filter->State)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->AwdCallback = HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* update the error code */
+ /* update return status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group2_Filter Filter control functions
+ * @brief Filter control functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Filter control functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Select channel and enable/disable continuous mode for regular conversion.
+ (+) Select channels for injected conversion.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to select channel and to enable/disable
+ * continuous mode for regular conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Channel for regular conversion.
+ * This parameter can be a value of @ref DFSDM_Channel_Selection.
+ * @param ContinuousMode Enable/disable continuous mode for regular conversion.
+ * This parameter can be a value of @ref DFSDM_ContinuousMode.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterConfigRegChannel(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Channel,
+ uint32_t ContinuousMode)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_REGULAR_CHANNEL(Channel));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_MODE(ContinuousMode));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) &&
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Configure channel and continuous mode for regular conversion */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_RCH | DFSDM_FLTCR1_RCONT);
+ if(ContinuousMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_ON)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= (uint32_t) (((Channel & DFSDM_MSB_MASK) << DFSDM_FLTCR1_MSB_RCH_OFFSET) |
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= (uint32_t) ((Channel & DFSDM_MSB_MASK) << DFSDM_FLTCR1_MSB_RCH_OFFSET);
+ }
+ /* Store continuous mode information */
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode = ContinuousMode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to select channels for injected conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Channels for injected conversion.
+ * This parameter can be a values combination of @ref DFSDM_Channel_Selection.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterConfigInjChannel(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_INJECTED_CHANNEL(Channel));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) &&
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Configure channel for injected conversion */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTJCHGR = (uint32_t) (Channel & DFSDM_LSB_MASK);
+ /* Store number of injected channels */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr = DFSDM_GetInjChannelsNbr(Channel);
+ /* Update number of injected channels remaining */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group3_Filter Filter operation functions
+ * @brief Filter operation functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Filter operation functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Start conversion of regular/injected channel.
+ (+) Poll for the end of regular/injected conversion.
+ (+) Stop conversion of regular/injected channel.
+ (+) Start conversion of regular/injected channel and enable interrupt.
+ (+) Call the callback functions at the end of regular/injected conversions.
+ (+) Stop conversion of regular/injected channel and disable interrupt.
+ (+) Start conversion of regular/injected channel and enable DMA transfer.
+ (+) Stop conversion of regular/injected channel and disable DMA transfer.
+ (+) Start analog watchdog and enable interrupt.
+ (+) Call the callback function when analog watchdog occurs.
+ (+) Stop analog watchdog and disable interrupt.
+ (+) Start extreme detector.
+ (+) Stop extreme detector.
+ (+) Get result of regular channel conversion.
+ (+) Get result of injected channel conversion.
+ (+) Get extreme detector maximum and minimum values.
+ (+) Get conversion time.
+ (+) Handle DFSDM interrupt request.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to start regular conversion in polling mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Start regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to poll for the end of regular conversion.
+ * @note This function should be called only if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Timeout Timeout value in milliseconds.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterPollForRegConversion(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Wait end of regular conversion */
+ while((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_REOCF) != DFSDM_FLTISR_REOCF)
+ {
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if(((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Return timeout status */
+ return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if overrun occurs */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_ROVRF) == DFSDM_FLTISR_ROVRF)
+ {
+ /* Update error code and call error callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCode = DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_REGULAR_OVERRUN;
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Clear regular overrun flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRROVRF;
+ }
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state only if not continuous conversion and SW trigger */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER))
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) ? \
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ * @brief This function allows to stop regular conversion in polling mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start regular conversion in interrupt mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Enable interrupts for regular conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 |= (DFSDM_FLTCR2_REOCIE | DFSDM_FLTCR2_ROVRIE);
+ /* Start regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop regular conversion in interrupt mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable interrupts for regular conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_REOCIE | DFSDM_FLTCR2_ROVRIE);
+ /* Stop regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start regular conversion in DMA mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * Please note that data on buffer will contain signed regular conversion
+ * value on 24 most significant bits and corresponding channel on 3 least
+ * significant bits.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param pData The destination buffer address.
+ * @param Length The length of data to be transferred from DFSDM filter to memory.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ int32_t *pData,
+ uint32_t Length)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check destination address and length */
+ if((pData == NULL) || (Length == 0U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check that DMA is enabled for regular conversion */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 & DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN) != DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN)
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters compatibility */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_NORMAL) && \
+ (Length != 1U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Set callbacks on DMA handler */
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferCpltCallback = DFSDM_DMARegularConvCplt;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferErrorCallback = DFSDM_DMAError;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferHalfCpltCallback = (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR) ?\
+ DFSDM_DMARegularHalfConvCplt : NULL;
+ /* Start DMA in interrupt mode */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg, (uint32_t)&hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTRDATAR, \
+ (uint32_t) pData, Length) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Start regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start regular conversion in DMA mode and to get
+ * only the 16 most significant bits of conversion.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * Please note that data on buffer will contain signed 16 most significant
+ * bits of regular conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param pData The destination buffer address.
+ * @param Length The length of data to be transferred from DFSDM filter to memory.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularMsbStart_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ int16_t *pData,
+ uint32_t Length)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check destination address and length */
+ if((pData == NULL) || (Length == 0U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check that DMA is enabled for regular conversion */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 & DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN) != DFSDM_FLTCR1_RDMAEN)
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters compatibility */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_NORMAL) && \
+ (Length != 1U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Set callbacks on DMA handler */
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferCpltCallback = DFSDM_DMARegularConvCplt;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferErrorCallback = DFSDM_DMAError;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->XferHalfCpltCallback = (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR) ?\
+ DFSDM_DMARegularHalfConvCplt : NULL;
+ /* Start DMA in interrupt mode */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg, (uint32_t)(&hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTRDATAR) + 2U, \
+ (uint32_t) pData, Length) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Start regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop regular conversion in DMA mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStop_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop current DMA transfer */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Abort(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaReg) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_RegConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to get regular conversion value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Corresponding channel of regular conversion.
+ * @retval Regular conversion value
+ */
+int32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetRegularValue(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t *Channel)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int32_t value;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(Channel != (void *)0);
+ /* Get value of data register for regular channel */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTRDATAR;
+ /* Extract channel and regular conversion value */
+ *Channel = (reg & DFSDM_FLTRDATAR_RDATACH);
+ /* Regular conversion value is a signed value located on 24 MSB of register */
+ /* So after applying a mask on these bits we have to perform a division by 256 (2 raised to the power of 8) */
+ value = ((int32_t)reg) / 256;
+ /* return regular conversion value */
+ return value;
+ * @brief This function allows to start injected conversion in polling mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG))
+ {
+ /* Start injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to poll for the end of injected conversion.
+ * @note This function should be called only if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Timeout Timeout value in milliseconds.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterPollForInjConversion(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get timeout */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Wait end of injected conversions */
+ while((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_JEOCF) != DFSDM_FLTISR_JEOCF)
+ {
+ /* Check the Timeout */
+ if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if(((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Return timeout status */
+ return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if overrun occurs */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_JOVRF) == DFSDM_FLTISR_JOVRF)
+ {
+ /* Update error code and call error callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Clear injected overrun flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRJOVRF;
+ }
+ /* Update remaining injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining--;
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining == 0U)
+ {
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state only if trigger is software */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) ? \
+ }
+ /* end of injected sequence, reset the value */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ * @brief This function allows to stop injected conversion in polling mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start injected conversion in interrupt mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG))
+ {
+ /* Enable interrupts for injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 |= (DFSDM_FLTCR2_JEOCIE | DFSDM_FLTCR2_JOVRIE);
+ /* Start injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop injected conversion in interrupt mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable interrupts for injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_JEOCIE | DFSDM_FLTCR2_JOVRIE);
+ /* Stop injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start injected conversion in DMA mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * Please note that data on buffer will contain signed injected conversion
+ * value on 24 most significant bits and corresponding channel on 3 least
+ * significant bits.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param pData The destination buffer address.
+ * @param Length The length of data to be transferred from DFSDM filter to memory.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStart_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ int32_t *pData,
+ uint32_t Length)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check destination address and length */
+ if((pData == NULL) || (Length == 0U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check that DMA is enabled for injected conversion */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 & DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN) != DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN)
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters compatibility */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_NORMAL) && \
+ (Length > hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG))
+ {
+ /* Set callbacks on DMA handler */
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferCpltCallback = DFSDM_DMAInjectedConvCplt;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferErrorCallback = DFSDM_DMAError;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferHalfCpltCallback = (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR) ?\
+ DFSDM_DMAInjectedHalfConvCplt : NULL;
+ /* Start DMA in interrupt mode */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj, (uint32_t)&hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTJDATAR, \
+ (uint32_t) pData, Length) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Start injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start injected conversion in DMA mode and to get
+ * only the 16 most significant bits of conversion.
+ * @note This function should be called only when DFSDM filter instance is
+ * in idle state or if regular conversion is ongoing.
+ * Please note that data on buffer will contain signed 16 most significant
+ * bits of injected conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param pData The destination buffer address.
+ * @param Length The length of data to be transferred from DFSDM filter to memory.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedMsbStart_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ int16_t *pData,
+ uint32_t Length)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check destination address and length */
+ if((pData == NULL) || (Length == 0U))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check that DMA is enabled for injected conversion */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 & DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN) != DFSDM_FLTCR1_JDMAEN)
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check parameters compatibility */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_NORMAL) && \
+ (Length > hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR))
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG))
+ {
+ /* Set callbacks on DMA handler */
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferCpltCallback = DFSDM_DMAInjectedConvCplt;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferErrorCallback = DFSDM_DMAError;
+ hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->XferHalfCpltCallback = (hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj->Init.Mode == DMA_CIRCULAR) ?\
+ DFSDM_DMAInjectedHalfConvCplt : NULL;
+ /* Start DMA in interrupt mode */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj, (uint32_t)(&hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTJDATAR) + 2U, \
+ (uint32_t) pData, Length) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Start injected conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStart(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop injected conversion in DMA mode.
+ * @note This function should be called only if injected conversion is ongoing.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjectedStop_DMA(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State != HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop current DMA transfer */
+ if(HAL_DMA_Abort(hdfsdm_filter->hdmaInj) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Set DFSDM filter in error state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR;
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Stop regular conversion */
+ DFSDM_InjConvStop(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to get injected conversion value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Corresponding channel of injected conversion.
+ * @retval Injected conversion value
+ */
+int32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetInjectedValue(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t *Channel)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int32_t value;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(Channel != (void *)0);
+ /* Get value of data register for injected channel */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTJDATAR;
+ /* Extract channel and injected conversion value */
+ *Channel = (reg & DFSDM_FLTJDATAR_JDATACH);
+ /* Injected conversion value is a signed value located on 24 MSB of register */
+ /* So after applying a mask on these bits we have to perform a division by 256 (2 raised to the power of 8) */
+ value = ((int32_t)reg) / 256;
+ /* return regular conversion value */
+ return value;
+ * @brief This function allows to start filter analog watchdog in interrupt mode.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param awdParam DFSDM filter analog watchdog parameters.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdStart_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ const DFSDM_Filter_AwdParamTypeDef *awdParam)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_AWD_DATA_SOURCE(awdParam->DataSource));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_INJECTED_CHANNEL(awdParam->Channel));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_AWD_THRESHOLD(awdParam->HighThreshold));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_AWD_THRESHOLD(awdParam->LowThreshold));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_BREAK_SIGNALS(awdParam->HighBreakSignal));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_BREAK_SIGNALS(awdParam->LowBreakSignal));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set analog watchdog data source */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_AWFSEL);
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= awdParam->DataSource;
+ /* Set thresholds and break signals */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTAWHTR |= (((uint32_t) awdParam->HighThreshold << DFSDM_FLTAWHTR_AWHT_Pos) | \
+ awdParam->HighBreakSignal);
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTAWLTR |= (((uint32_t) awdParam->LowThreshold << DFSDM_FLTAWLTR_AWLT_Pos) | \
+ awdParam->LowBreakSignal);
+ /* Set channels and interrupt for analog watchdog */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_AWDCH);
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 |= (((awdParam->Channel & DFSDM_LSB_MASK) << DFSDM_FLTCR2_AWDCH_Pos) | \
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop filter analog watchdog in interrupt mode.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdStop_IT(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset channels for analog watchdog and deactivate interrupt */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_AWDCH | DFSDM_FLTCR2_AWDIE);
+ /* Clear all analog watchdog flags */
+ /* Reset thresholds and break signals */
+ /* Reset analog watchdog data source */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_AWFSEL);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to start extreme detector feature.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Channels where extreme detector is enabled.
+ * This parameter can be a values combination of @ref DFSDM_Channel_Selection.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterExdStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Channel)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_INJECTED_CHANNEL(Channel));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set channels for extreme detector */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_EXCH);
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 |= ((Channel & DFSDM_LSB_MASK) << DFSDM_FLTCR2_EXCH_Pos);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to stop extreme detector feature.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterExdStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ __IO uint32_t reg1;
+ __IO uint32_t reg2;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Check DFSDM filter state */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_RESET) || \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_ERROR))
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset channels for extreme detector */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_EXCH);
+ /* Clear extreme detector values */
+ reg1 = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTEXMAX;
+ reg2 = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTEXMIN;
+ UNUSED(reg1); /* To avoid GCC warning */
+ UNUSED(reg2); /* To avoid GCC warning */
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief This function allows to get extreme detector maximum value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Corresponding channel.
+ * @retval Extreme detector maximum value
+ * This value is between Min_Data = -8388608 and Max_Data = 8388607.
+ */
+int32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetExdMaxValue(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t *Channel)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int32_t value;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(Channel != (void *)0);
+ /* Get value of extreme detector maximum register */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTEXMAX;
+ /* Extract channel and extreme detector maximum value */
+ *Channel = (reg & DFSDM_FLTEXMAX_EXMAXCH);
+ /* Extreme detector maximum value is a signed value located on 24 MSB of register */
+ /* So after applying a mask on these bits we have to perform a division by 256 (2 raised to the power of 8) */
+ value = ((int32_t)reg) / 256;
+ /* return extreme detector maximum value */
+ return value;
+ * @brief This function allows to get extreme detector minimum value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Corresponding channel.
+ * @retval Extreme detector minimum value
+ * This value is between Min_Data = -8388608 and Max_Data = 8388607.
+ */
+int32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetExdMinValue(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t *Channel)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int32_t value;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ assert_param(Channel != (void *)0);
+ /* Get value of extreme detector minimum register */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTEXMIN;
+ /* Extract channel and extreme detector minimum value */
+ *Channel = (reg & DFSDM_FLTEXMIN_EXMINCH);
+ /* Extreme detector minimum value is a signed value located on 24 MSB of register */
+ /* So after applying a mask on these bits we have to perform a division by 256 (2 raised to the power of 8) */
+ value = ((int32_t)reg) / 256;
+ /* return extreme detector minimum value */
+ return value;
+ * @brief This function allows to get conversion time value.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval Conversion time value
+ * @note To get time in second, this value has to be divided by DFSDM clock frequency.
+ */
+uint32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetConvTimeValue(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint32_t value;
+ /* Check parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DFSDM_FILTER_ALL_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance));
+ /* Get value of conversion timer register */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCNVTIMR;
+ /* Extract conversion time value */
+ /* return extreme detector minimum value */
+ return value;
+ * @brief This function handles the DFSDM interrupts.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_DFSDM_IRQHandler(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ DFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef **channelHandleTable;
+ const DFSDM_Filter_TypeDef *filter0Instance;
+ uint32_t channelNumber;
+ /* Get FTLISR and FLTCR2 register values */
+ const uint32_t temp_fltisr = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR;
+ const uint32_t temp_fltcr2 = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2;
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ if (IS_DFSDM1_FILTER_INSTANCE(hdfsdm_filter->Instance))
+ {
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ channelNumber = DFSDM1_CHANNEL_NUMBER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm2ChannelHandle;
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM2_Filter0;
+ channelNumber = DFSDM2_CHANNEL_NUMBER;
+ }
+#else /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ channelHandleTable = a_dfsdm1ChannelHandle;
+ filter0Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;
+ channelNumber = DFSDM1_CHANNEL_NUMBER;
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ /* Check if overrun occurs during regular conversion */
+ if(((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_ROVRF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_ROVRIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ /* Clear regular overrun flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRROVRF;
+ /* Update error code */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCode = DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_REGULAR_OVERRUN;
+ /* Call error callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Check if overrun occurs during injected conversion */
+ else if(((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_JOVRF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_JOVRIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ /* Clear injected overrun flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRJOVRF;
+ /* Update error code */
+ /* Call error callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ }
+ /* Check if end of regular conversion */
+ else if(((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_REOCF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_REOCIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ /* Call regular conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* End of conversion if mode is not continuous and software trigger */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->RegularContMode == DFSDM_CONTINUOUS_CONV_OFF) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER))
+ {
+ /* Disable interrupts for regular conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_REOCIE);
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) ? \
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if end of injected conversion */
+ else if(((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_JEOCF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_JEOCIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ /* Call injected conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* Update remaining injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining--;
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining == 0U)
+ {
+ /* End of conversion if trigger is software */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ /* Disable interrupts for injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR2 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR2_JEOCIE);
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) ? \
+ }
+ /* end of injected sequence, reset the value */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if analog watchdog occurs */
+ else if(((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_AWDF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_AWDIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint32_t threshold;
+ uint32_t channel = 0;
+ /* Get channel and threshold */
+ reg = hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTAWSR;
+ if(threshold == DFSDM_AWD_HIGH_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ reg = reg >> DFSDM_FLTAWSR_AWHTF_Pos;
+ }
+ while (((reg & 1U) == 0U) && (channel < (channelNumber - 1U)))
+ {
+ channel++;
+ reg = reg >> 1;
+ }
+ /* Clear analog watchdog flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTAWCFR = (threshold == DFSDM_AWD_HIGH_THRESHOLD) ? \
+ (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTAWSR_AWHTF_Pos + channel)) : \
+ (1UL << channel);
+ /* Call analog watchdog callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->AwdCallback(hdfsdm_filter, channel, threshold);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback(hdfsdm_filter, channel, threshold);
+ }
+ /* Check if clock absence occurs */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance == filter0Instance) && \
+ ((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_CKABIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint32_t channel = 0;
+ reg = ((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF) >> DFSDM_FLTISR_CKABF_Pos);
+ while (channel < channelNumber)
+ {
+ /* Check if flag is set and corresponding channel is enabled */
+ if (((reg & 1U) != 0U) && (channelHandleTable[channel] != NULL))
+ {
+ /* Check clock absence has been enabled for this channel */
+ if ((channelHandleTable[channel]->Instance->CHCFGR1 & DFSDM_CHCFGR1_CKABEN) != 0U)
+ {
+ /* Clear clock absence flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRCKABF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Call clock absence callback */
+ channelHandleTable[channel]->CkabCallback(channelHandleTable[channel]);
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelCkabCallback(channelHandleTable[channel]);
+ }
+ }
+ channel++;
+ reg = reg >> 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if short circuit detection occurs */
+ else if((hdfsdm_filter->Instance == filter0Instance) && \
+ ((temp_fltisr & DFSDM_FLTISR_SCDF) != 0U) && \
+ ((temp_fltcr2 & DFSDM_FLTCR2_SCDIE) != 0U))
+ {
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint32_t channel = 0;
+ /* Get channel */
+ reg = ((hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTISR & DFSDM_FLTISR_SCDF) >> DFSDM_FLTISR_SCDF_Pos);
+ while (((reg & 1U) == 0U) && (channel < (channelNumber - 1U)))
+ {
+ channel++;
+ reg = reg >> 1;
+ }
+ /* Clear short circuit detection flag */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTICR = (1UL << (DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCDF_Pos + channel));
+ /* Call short circuit detection callback */
+ channelHandleTable[channel]->ScdCallback(channelHandleTable[channel]);
+ HAL_DFSDM_ChannelScdCallback(channelHandleTable[channel]);
+ }
+ * @brief Regular conversion complete callback.
+ * @note In interrupt mode, user has to read conversion value in this function
+ * using HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetRegularValue.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Half regular conversion complete callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Injected conversion complete callback.
+ * @note In interrupt mode, user has to read conversion value in this function
+ * using HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetInjectedValue.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Half injected conversion complete callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Filter analog watchdog callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @param Channel Corresponding channel.
+ * @param Threshold Low or high threshold has been reached.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter,
+ uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Threshold)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ UNUSED(Channel);
+ UNUSED(Threshold);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @brief Error callback.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hdfsdm_filter);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback could be implemented in the user file.
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DFSDM_Exported_Functions_Group4_Filter Filter state functions
+ * @brief Filter state functions
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Filter state functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Get the DFSDM filter state.
+ (+) Get the DFSDM filter error.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief This function allows to get the current DFSDM filter handle state.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval DFSDM filter state.
+ */
+HAL_DFSDM_Filter_StateTypeDef HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetState(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Return DFSDM filter handle state */
+ return hdfsdm_filter->State;
+ * @brief This function allows to get the current DFSDM filter error.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval DFSDM filter error code.
+ */
+uint32_t HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetError(const DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ return hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCode;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* End of exported functions -------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @addtogroup DFSDM_Private_Functions DFSDM Private Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief DMA half transfer complete callback for regular conversion.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_DMARegularHalfConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ /* Get DFSDM filter handle */
+ DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter = (DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef*) ((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Call regular half conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvHalfCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvHalfCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ * @brief DMA transfer complete callback for regular conversion.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_DMARegularConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ /* Get DFSDM filter handle */
+ DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter = (DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef*) ((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Call regular conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->RegConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ * @brief DMA half transfer complete callback for injected conversion.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_DMAInjectedHalfConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ /* Get DFSDM filter handle */
+ DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter = (DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef*) ((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Call injected half conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvHalfCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvHalfCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ * @brief DMA transfer complete callback for injected conversion.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_DMAInjectedConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ /* Get DFSDM filter handle */
+ DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter = (DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef*) ((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Call injected conversion complete callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterInjConvCpltCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ * @brief DMA error callback.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ /* Get DFSDM filter handle */
+ DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter = (DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef*) ((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Update error code */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCode = DFSDM_FILTER_ERROR_DMA;
+ /* Call error callback */
+ hdfsdm_filter->ErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ HAL_DFSDM_FilterErrorCallback(hdfsdm_filter);
+ * @brief This function allows to get the number of injected channels.
+ * @param Channels bitfield of injected channels.
+ * @retval Number of injected channels.
+ */
+static uint32_t DFSDM_GetInjChannelsNbr(uint32_t Channels)
+ uint32_t nbChannels = 0;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ /* Get the number of channels from bitfield */
+ tmp = (uint32_t)(Channels & DFSDM_LSB_MASK);
+ while(tmp != 0U)
+ {
+ if((tmp & 1U) != 0U)
+ {
+ nbChannels++;
+ }
+ tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp >> 1);
+ }
+ return nbChannels;
+ * @brief This function allows to get the channel number from channel instance.
+ * @param Instance DFSDM channel instance.
+ * @retval Channel number.
+ */
+static uint32_t DFSDM_GetChannelFromInstance(const DFSDM_Channel_TypeDef* Instance)
+ uint32_t channel;
+ /* Get channel from instance */
+ if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel0)
+ {
+ channel = 0;
+ }
+#if defined(DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ else if (Instance == DFSDM2_Channel0)
+ {
+ channel = 0;
+ }
+ else if (Instance == DFSDM2_Channel1)
+ {
+ channel = 1;
+ }
+#endif /* DFSDM2_Channel0 */
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel1)
+ {
+ channel = 1;
+ }
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel2)
+ {
+ channel = 2;
+ }
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel3)
+ {
+ channel = 3;
+ }
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel4)
+ {
+ channel = 4;
+ }
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel5)
+ {
+ channel = 5;
+ }
+ else if(Instance == DFSDM1_Channel6)
+ {
+ channel = 6;
+ }
+ else /* DFSDM1_Channel7 */
+ {
+ channel = 7;
+ }
+ return channel;
+ * @brief This function allows to really start regular conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_RegConvStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Check regular trigger */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ /* Software start of regular conversion */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSWSTART;
+ }
+ else /* synchronous trigger */
+ {
+ /* Disable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN);
+ /* Set RSYNC bit in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSYNC;
+ /* Enable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN;
+ /* If injected conversion was in progress, restart it */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ)
+ {
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSWSTART;
+ }
+ /* Update remaining injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) ? \
+ * @brief This function allows to really stop regular conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_RegConvStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Disable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN);
+ /* If regular trigger was synchronous, reset RSYNC bit in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SYNC_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSYNC);
+ }
+ /* Enable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN;
+ /* If injected conversion was in progress, restart it */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ)
+ {
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSWSTART;
+ }
+ /* Update remaining injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ }
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) ? \
+ * @brief This function allows to really start injected conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_InjConvStart(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Check injected trigger */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ /* Software start of injected conversion */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSWSTART;
+ }
+ else /* external or synchronous trigger */
+ {
+ /* Disable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN);
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SYNC_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ /* Set JSYNC bit in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSYNC;
+ }
+ else /* external trigger */
+ {
+ /* Set JEXTEN[1:0] bits in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= hdfsdm_filter->ExtTriggerEdge;
+ }
+ /* Enable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN;
+ /* If regular conversion was in progress, restart it */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER))
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSWSTART;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_READY) ? \
+ * @brief This function allows to really stop injected conversion.
+ * @param hdfsdm_filter DFSDM filter handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void DFSDM_InjConvStop(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter)
+ /* Disable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN);
+ /* If injected trigger was synchronous, reset JSYNC bit in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SYNC_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_JSYNC);
+ }
+ else if(hdfsdm_filter->InjectedTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_EXT_TRIGGER)
+ {
+ /* Reset JEXTEN[1:0] bits in DFSDM_FLTCR1 register */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 &= ~(DFSDM_FLTCR1_JEXTEN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Nothing to do */
+ }
+ /* Enable DFSDM filter */
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_DFEN;
+ /* If regular conversion was in progress, restart it */
+ if((hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_REG_INJ) && \
+ (hdfsdm_filter->RegularTrigger == DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER))
+ {
+ hdfsdm_filter->Instance->FLTCR1 |= DFSDM_FLTCR1_RSWSTART;
+ }
+ /* Update remaining injected conversions */
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjConvRemaining = (hdfsdm_filter->InjectedScanMode == ENABLE) ? \
+ hdfsdm_filter->InjectedChannelsNbr : 1U;
+ /* Update DFSDM filter state */
+ hdfsdm_filter->State = (hdfsdm_filter->State == HAL_DFSDM_FILTER_STATE_INJ) ? \
+ * @}
+ */
+/* End of private functions --------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */