path: root/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e19add4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_hal_gpio_ex.h
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief Header file of GPIO HAL Extension module.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
+ * in the root directory of this software component.
+ * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef STM32H7xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H
+#define STM32H7xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal_def.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup GPIOEx GPIOEx
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants GPIO Exported Constants
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup GPIO_Alternate_function_selection GPIO Alternate Function Selection
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief AF 0 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF0_RTC_50Hz ((uint8_t)0x00) /* RTC_50Hz Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00) /* MCO (MCO1 and MCO2) Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF0_SWJ ((uint8_t)0x00) /* SWJ (SWD and JTAG) Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF0_LCDBIAS ((uint8_t)0x00) /* LCDBIAS Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF0_TRACE ((uint8_t)0x00) /* TRACE Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined (PWR_CPUCR_PDDS_D2) /* PWR D1 and D2 domains exists */
+#define GPIO_AF0_C1DSLEEP ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Cortex-M7 Deep Sleep Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#define GPIO_AF0_C1SLEEP ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Cortex-M7 Sleep Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#define GPIO_AF0_D1PWREN ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Domain 1 PWR enable Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#define GPIO_AF0_D2PWREN ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Domain 2 PWR enable Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#if defined(DUAL_CORE)
+#define GPIO_AF0_C2DSLEEP ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Cortex-M4 Deep Sleep Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#define GPIO_AF0_C2SLEEP ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Cortex-M4 Sleep Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#endif /* DUAL_CORE */
+#endif /* PWR_CPUCR_PDDS_D2 */
+ * @brief AF 1 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF1_TIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* TIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF1_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF1_TIM16 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* TIM16 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF1_TIM17 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* TIM17 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF1_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(HRTIM1)
+#define GPIO_AF1_HRTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* HRTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* HRTIM1 */
+#if defined(SAI4)
+#define GPIO_AF1_SAI4 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* SAI4 Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#endif /* SAI4 */
+#define GPIO_AF1_FMC ((uint8_t)0x01) /* FMC Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+ * @brief AF 2 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF2_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF2_TIM4 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* TIM4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF2_TIM5 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* TIM5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF2_TIM12 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* TIM12 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF2_SAI1 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* SAI1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(HRTIM1)
+#define GPIO_AF2_HRTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* HRTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* HRTIM1 */
+#define GPIO_AF2_TIM15 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* TIM15 Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7A3xxx/STM32H7B3xxx/STM32H7B0xxx and STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#if defined(FDCAN3)
+#define GPIO_AF2_FDCAN3 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* FDCAN3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*FDCAN3*/
+ * @brief AF 3 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF3_TIM8 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* TIM8 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LPTIM2 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LPTIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_DFSDM1 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* DFSDM Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LPTIM3 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LPTIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LPTIM4 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LPTIM4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LPTIM5 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LPTIM5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LPUART ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LPUART Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF3_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF3_OCTOSPIM_P2 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+#if defined(HRTIM1)
+#define GPIO_AF3_HRTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x03) /* HRTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* HRTIM1 */
+#define GPIO_AF3_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x03) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+ * @brief AF 4 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_I2C3 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* I2C3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_I2C4 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* I2C4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(I2C5)
+#define GPIO_AF4_I2C5 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* I2C5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* I2C5*/
+#define GPIO_AF4_TIM15 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* TIM15 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_CEC ((uint8_t)0x04) /* CEC Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_LPTIM2 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* LPTIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(USART10)
+#define GPIO_AF4_USART10 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* USART10 Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#endif /*USART10*/
+#define GPIO_AF4_DFSDM1 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* DFSDM Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(DFSDM2_BASE)
+#define GPIO_AF4_DFSDM2 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* DFSDM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* DFSDM2_BASE */
+#define GPIO_AF4_DCMI ((uint8_t)0x04) /* DCMI Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7A3xxx/STM32H7B3xxx/STM32H7B0xxx and STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#if defined(PSSI)
+#define GPIO_AF4_PSSI ((uint8_t)0x04) /* PSSI Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* PSSI */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF4_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x04) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+ * @brief AF 5 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI3 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI4 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI5 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_SPI6 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* SPI6 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF5_CEC ((uint8_t)0x05) /* CEC Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(FDCAN3)
+#define GPIO_AF5_FDCAN3 ((uint8_t)0x05) /* FDCAN3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*FDCAN3*/
+ * @brief AF 6 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF6_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF6_SPI3 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* SPI3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF6_SAI1 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* SAI1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF6_I2C4 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* I2C4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(I2C5)
+#define GPIO_AF6_I2C5 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* I2C5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* I2C5*/
+#define GPIO_AF6_DFSDM1 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* DFSDM Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF6_UART4 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* UART4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(DFSDM2_BASE)
+#define GPIO_AF6_DFSDM2 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* DFSDM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* DFSDM2_BASE */
+#if defined(SAI3)
+#define GPIO_AF6_SAI3 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* SAI3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* SAI3 */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF6_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x06) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+ * @brief AF 7 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF7_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_SPI3 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* SPI3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_SPI6 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* SPI6 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_USART3 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* USART3 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_USART6 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* USART6 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_UART7 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* UART7 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF7_SDMMC1 ((uint8_t)0x07) /* SDMMC1 Alternate Function mapping */
+ * @brief AF 8 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF8_SPI6 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* SPI6 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(SAI2)
+#define GPIO_AF8_SAI2 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* SAI2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*SAI2*/
+#define GPIO_AF8_UART4 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* UART4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF8_UART5 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* UART5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF8_UART8 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* UART8 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF8_SPDIF ((uint8_t)0x08) /* SPDIF Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF8_LPUART ((uint8_t)0x08) /* LPUART Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF8_SDMMC1 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* SDMMC1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(SAI4)
+#define GPIO_AF8_SAI4 ((uint8_t)0x08) /* SAI4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* SAI4 */
+ * @brief AF 9 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF9_FDCAN1 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* FDCAN1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_FDCAN2 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* FDCAN2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_TIM13 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* TIM13 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_TIM14 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* TIM14 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_SDMMC2 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* SDMMC2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x09) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_SPDIF ((uint8_t)0x09) /* SPDIF Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_FMC ((uint8_t)0x09) /* FMC Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(QUADSPI)
+#define GPIO_AF9_QUADSPI ((uint8_t)0x09) /* QUADSPI Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* QUADSPI */
+#if defined(SAI4)
+#define GPIO_AF9_SAI4 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* SAI4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* SAI4 */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF9_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF9_OCTOSPIM_P2 ((uint8_t)0x09) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+ * @brief AF 10 selection
+ */
+#if defined(SAI2)
+#define GPIO_AF10_SAI2 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* SAI2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*SAI2*/
+#define GPIO_AF10_SDMMC2 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* SDMMC2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(USB2_OTG_FS)
+#define GPIO_AF10_OTG2_FS ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* OTG2_FS Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*USB2_OTG_FS*/
+#define GPIO_AF10_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF10_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(LTDC)
+#define GPIO_AF10_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*LTDC*/
+#define GPIO_AF10_CRS_SYNC ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* CRS Sync Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7 Rev.B and above */
+#if defined(QUADSPI)
+#define GPIO_AF10_QUADSPI ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* QUADSPI Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* QUADSPI */
+#if defined(SAI4)
+#define GPIO_AF10_SAI4 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* SAI4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* SAI4 */
+#if !defined(USB2_OTG_FS)
+#define GPIO_AF10_OTG1_FS ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* OTG1_FS Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7A3xxx/STM32H7B3xxx/STM32H7B0xxx and STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#endif /* !USB2_OTG_FS */
+#define GPIO_AF10_OTG1_HS ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* OTG1_HS Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF10_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+#define GPIO_AF10_TIM8 ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* TIM8 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF10_FMC ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* FMC Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7A3xxx/STM32H7B3xxx/STM32H7B0xxx and STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+ * @brief AF 11 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF11_SWP ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* SWP Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_MDIOS ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* MDIOS Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_UART7 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* UART7 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_SDMMC2 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* SDMMC2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_DFSDM1 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* DFSDM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_TIM1 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* TIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_TIM8 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* TIM8 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF11_I2C4 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* I2C4 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(DFSDM2_BASE)
+#define GPIO_AF11_DFSDM2 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* DFSDM2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* DFSDM2_BASE */
+#if defined(USART10)
+#define GPIO_AF11_USART10 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* USART10 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* USART10 */
+#if defined(UART9)
+#define GPIO_AF11_UART9 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* UART9 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* UART9 */
+#if defined(ETH)
+#define GPIO_AF11_ETH ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* ETH Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* ETH */
+#if defined(LTDC)
+#define GPIO_AF11_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping : available on STM32H7A3xxx/STM32H7B3xxx/STM32H7B0xxx and STM32H72xxx/STM32H73xxx */
+#endif /*LTDC*/
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF11_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+ * @brief AF 12 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF12_FMC ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* FMC Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_SDMMC1 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* SDMMC1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_MDIOS ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* MDIOS Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_TIM1 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* TIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF12_TIM8 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* TIM8 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(LTDC)
+#define GPIO_AF12_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*LTDC*/
+#if defined(USB2_OTG_FS)
+#define GPIO_AF12_OTG1_FS ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* OTG1_FS Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* USB2_OTG_FS */
+#if defined(OCTOSPIM)
+#define GPIO_AF12_OCTOSPIM_P1 ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* OCTOSPI Manager Port 1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* OCTOSPIM */
+ * @brief AF 13 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF13_DCMI ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* DCMI Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF13_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF13_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(LTDC)
+#define GPIO_AF13_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*LTDC*/
+#if defined(DSI)
+#define GPIO_AF13_DSI ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* DSI Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* DSI */
+#if defined(PSSI)
+#define GPIO_AF13_PSSI ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* PSSI Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /* PSSI */
+#define GPIO_AF13_TIM1 ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* TIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(TIM23)
+#define GPIO_AF13_TIM23 ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* TIM23 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*TIM23*/
+ * @brief AF 14 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF14_LTDC ((uint8_t)0x0E) /* LTDC Alternate Function mapping */
+#define GPIO_AF14_UART5 ((uint8_t)0x0E) /* UART5 Alternate Function mapping */
+#if defined(TIM24)
+#define GPIO_AF14_TIM24 ((uint8_t)0x0E) /* TIM24 Alternate Function mapping */
+#endif /*TIM24*/
+ * @brief AF 15 selection
+ */
+#define GPIO_AF15_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x0F) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
+#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x0F)
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Exported_Macros GPIO Exported Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Exported_Functions GPIO Exported Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private_Constants GPIO Private Constants
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief GPIO pin available on the platform
+ */
+/* Defines the available pins per GPIOs */
+#if defined(GPIOI)
+#endif /*GPIOI*/
+#if defined(GPIOI)
+#endif /* GPIOI */
+#if defined(GPIOI)
+#endif /* GPIOI */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private_Macros GPIO Private Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Get_Port_Index GPIO Get Port Index
+ * @{
+ */
+#if defined(GPIOI)
+#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOD))? 3UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOE))? 4UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOF))? 5UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOG))? 6UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOH))? 7UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOI))? 8UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOJ))? 9UL : 10UL)
+#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOD))? 3UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOE))? 4UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOF))? 5UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOG))? 6UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOH))? 7UL :\
+ ((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOJ))? 9UL : 10UL)
+#endif /* GPIOI */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_IS_Alternat_function_selection GPIO Check Alternate Function
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private_Functions GPIO Private Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* STM32H7xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H */