path: root/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c')
1 files changed, 1353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1353 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_hal_cordic.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief CORDIC HAL module driver.
+ * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
+ * functionalities of the CORDIC peripheral:
+ * + Initialization and de-initialization functions
+ * + Peripheral Control functions
+ * + Callback functions
+ * + IRQ handler management
+ * + Peripheral State functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
+ * in the root directory of this software component.
+ * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ @verbatim
+ ================================================================================
+ ##### How to use this driver #####
+ ================================================================================
+ [..]
+ The CORDIC HAL driver can be used as follows:
+ (#) Initialize the CORDIC low level resources by implementing the HAL_CORDIC_MspInit():
+ (++) Enable the CORDIC interface clock using __HAL_RCC_CORDIC_CLK_ENABLE()
+ (++) In case of using interrupts (e.g. HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_IT())
+ (+++) Configure the CORDIC interrupt priority using HAL_NVIC_SetPriority()
+ (+++) Enable the CORDIC IRQ handler using HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ()
+ (+++) In CORDIC IRQ handler, call HAL_CORDIC_IRQHandler()
+ (++) In case of using DMA to control data transfer (e.g. HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_DMA())
+ (+++) Enable the DMA2 interface clock using
+ (+++) Configure and enable two DMA channels one for managing data transfer from
+ memory to peripheral (input channel) and another channel for managing data
+ transfer from peripheral to memory (output channel)
+ (+++) Associate the initialized DMA handle to the CORDIC DMA handle
+ using __HAL_LINKDMA()
+ (+++) Configure the priority and enable the NVIC for the transfer complete
+ interrupt on the two DMA channels.
+ Resort to HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ()
+ (#) Initialize the CORDIC HAL using HAL_CORDIC_Init(). This function
+ (++) resorts to HAL_CORDIC_MspInit() for low-level initialization,
+ (#) Configure CORDIC processing (calculation) using HAL_CORDIC_Configure().
+ This function configures:
+ (++) Processing functions: Cosine, Sine, Phase, Modulus, Arctangent,
+ Hyperbolic cosine, Hyperbolic sine, Hyperbolic arctangent,
+ Natural log, Square root
+ (++) Scaling factor: 1 to 2exp(-7)
+ (++) Width of input data: 32 bits input data size (Q1.31 format) or 16 bits
+ input data size (Q1.15 format)
+ (++) Width of output data: 32 bits output data size (Q1.31 format) or 16 bits
+ output data size (Q1.15 format)
+ (++) Number of 32-bit write expected for one calculation: One 32-bits write
+ or Two 32-bit write
+ (++) Number of 32-bit read expected after one calculation: One 32-bits read
+ or Two 32-bit read
+ (++) Precision: 1 to 15 cycles for calculation (the more cycles, the better precision)
+ (#) Four processing (calculation) functions are available:
+ (++) Polling mode: processing API is blocking function
+ i.e. it processes the data and wait till the processing is finished
+ API is HAL_CORDIC_Calculate
+ (++) Polling Zero-overhead mode: processing API is blocking function
+ i.e. it processes the data and wait till the processing is finished
+ A bit faster than standard polling mode, but blocking also AHB bus
+ API is HAL_CORDIC_CalculateZO
+ (++) Interrupt mode: processing API is not blocking functions
+ i.e. it processes the data under interrupt
+ API is HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_IT
+ (++) DMA mode: processing API is not blocking functions and the CPU is
+ not used for data transfer,
+ i.e. the data transfer is ensured by DMA
+ API is HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_DMA
+ (#) Call HAL_CORDIC_DeInit() to de-initialize the CORDIC peripheral. This function
+ (++) resorts to HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit() for low-level de-initialization,
+ *** Callback registration ***
+ =============================================
+ The compilation define USE_HAL_CORDIC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
+ allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
+ Use Function HAL_CORDIC_RegisterCallback() to register an interrupt callback.
+ Function HAL_CORDIC_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks:
+ (+) ErrorCallback : Error Callback.
+ (+) CalculateCpltCallback : Calculate complete Callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : CORDIC MspInit.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : CORDIC MspDeInit.
+ This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
+ and a pointer to the user callback function.
+ Use function HAL_CORDIC_UnRegisterCallback() to reset a callback to the default
+ weak function.
+ HAL_CORDIC_UnRegisterCallback takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
+ and the Callback ID.
+ This function allows to reset following callbacks:
+ (+) ErrorCallback : Error Callback.
+ (+) CalculateCpltCallback : Calculate complete Callback.
+ (+) MspInitCallback : CORDIC MspInit.
+ (+) MspDeInitCallback : CORDIC MspDeInit.
+ By default, after the HAL_CORDIC_Init() and when the state is HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET,
+ all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions:
+ examples HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback(), HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback().
+ Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are
+ reset to the legacy weak function in the HAL_CORDIC_Init()/ HAL_CORDIC_DeInit() only when
+ these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
+ if not, MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the HAL_CORDIC_Init()/ HAL_CORDIC_DeInit()
+ keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand)
+ Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY state only.
+ Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit that can be registered/unregistered
+ thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit.
+ In that case first register the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks
+ using HAL_CORDIC_RegisterCallback() before calling HAL_CORDIC_DeInit()
+ or HAL_CORDIC_Init() function.
+ When The compilation define USE_HAL_CORDIC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
+ not defined, the callback registration feature is not available and all callbacks
+ are set to the corresponding weak functions.
+ @endverbatim
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#if defined(CORDIC)
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC CORDIC
+ * @brief CORDIC HAL driver modules.
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Private_Functions CORDIC Private Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+static void CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t **ppInBuff);
+static void CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, int32_t **ppOutBuff);
+static void CORDIC_DMAInCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void CORDIC_DMAOutCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void CORDIC_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions CORDIC Exported Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
+ * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions.
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Initialize the CORDIC peripheral and the associated handle
+ (+) DeInitialize the CORDIC peripheral
+ (+) Initialize the CORDIC MSP (MCU Specific Package)
+ (+) De-Initialize the CORDIC MSP
+ [..]
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Initialize the CORDIC peripheral and the associated handle.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_Init(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Check the CORDIC handle allocation */
+ if (hcordic == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check the instance */
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_ALL_INSTANCE(hcordic->Instance));
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET)
+ {
+ /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
+ hcordic->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
+ /* Reset callbacks to legacy functions */
+ hcordic->ErrorCallback = HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback; /* Legacy weak ErrorCallback */
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback = HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback; /* Legacy weak CalculateCpltCallback */
+ if (hcordic->MspInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */
+ }
+ /* Initialize the low level hardware */
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback(hcordic);
+ }
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET)
+ {
+ /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
+ hcordic->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
+ /* Initialize the low level hardware */
+ HAL_CORDIC_MspInit(hcordic);
+ }
+ /* Set CORDIC error code to none */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Reset pInBuff and pOutBuff */
+ hcordic->pInBuff = NULL;
+ hcordic->pOutBuff = NULL;
+ /* Reset NbCalcToOrder and NbCalcToGet */
+ hcordic->NbCalcToOrder = 0U;
+ hcordic->NbCalcToGet = 0U;
+ /* Reset DMADirection */
+ hcordic->DMADirection = CORDIC_DMA_DIR_NONE;
+ /* Change CORDIC peripheral state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief DeInitialize the CORDIC peripheral.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_DeInit(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Check the CORDIC handle allocation */
+ if (hcordic == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_ALL_INSTANCE(hcordic->Instance));
+ /* Change CORDIC peripheral state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_BUSY;
+ if (hcordic->MspDeInitCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit;
+ }
+ /* De-Initialize the low level hardware */
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback(hcordic);
+ /* De-Initialize the low level hardware: CLOCK, NVIC, DMA */
+ HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit(hcordic);
+ /* Set CORDIC error code to none */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Reset pInBuff and pOutBuff */
+ hcordic->pInBuff = NULL;
+ hcordic->pOutBuff = NULL;
+ /* Reset NbCalcToOrder and NbCalcToGet */
+ hcordic->NbCalcToOrder = 0U;
+ hcordic->NbCalcToGet = 0U;
+ /* Reset DMADirection */
+ hcordic->DMADirection = CORDIC_DMA_DIR_NONE;
+ /* Change CORDIC peripheral state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET;
+ /* Reset Lock */
+ hcordic->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief Initialize the CORDIC MSP.
+ * @param hcordic CORDIC handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_CORDIC_MspInit(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hcordic);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_CORDIC_MspInit can be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @brief DeInitialize the CORDIC MSP.
+ * @param hcordic CORDIC handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hcordic);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @brief Register a CORDIC CallBack.
+ * To be used instead of the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_CB_ID error Callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_CALCULATE_CPLT_CB_ID calculate complete Callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
+ * @param pCallback pointer to the Callback function
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_RegisterCallback(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, HAL_CORDIC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID,
+ void (* pCallback)(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *_hcordic))
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if (pCallback == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hcordic->ErrorCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief Unregister a CORDIC CallBack.
+ * CORDIC callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_CB_ID error Callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_CALCULATE_CPLT_CB_ID calculate complete Callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID
+ * @arg @ref HAL_CORDIC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_UnRegisterCallback(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, HAL_CORDIC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hcordic->ErrorCallback = HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback = HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspInit;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_RESET)
+ {
+ switch (CallbackID)
+ {
+ hcordic->MspInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspInit;
+ break;
+ hcordic->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_CORDIC_MspDeInit;
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions_Group2 Peripheral Control functions
+ * @brief Control functions.
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Configure the CORDIC peripheral: function, precision, scaling factor,
+ number of input data and output data, size of input data and output data.
+ (+) Calculate output data of CORDIC processing on input date, using the
+ existing CORDIC configuration
+ [..] Four processing functions are available for calculation:
+ (+) Polling mode
+ (+) Polling mode, with Zero-Overhead register access
+ (+) Interrupt mode
+ (+) DMA mode
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Configure the CORDIC processing according to the specified
+ parameters in the CORDIC_ConfigTypeDef structure.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @param sConfig pointer to a CORDIC_ConfigTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the CORDIC configuration information.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_Configure(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const CORDIC_ConfigTypeDef *sConfig)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_FUNCTION(sConfig->Function));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_PRECISION(sConfig->Precision));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_SCALE(sConfig->Scale));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_NBWRITE(sConfig->NbWrite));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_NBREAD(sConfig->NbRead));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_INSIZE(sConfig->InSize));
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_OUTSIZE(sConfig->OutSize));
+ /* Check handle state is ready */
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Apply all configuration parameters in CORDIC control register */
+ MODIFY_REG(hcordic->Instance->CSR, \
+ (sConfig->Function | sConfig->Precision | sConfig->Scale | \
+ sConfig->NbWrite | sConfig->NbRead | sConfig->InSize | sConfig->OutSize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NOT_READY;
+ /* Return error status */
+ status = HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return status;
+ * @brief Carry out data of CORDIC processing in polling mode,
+ * according to the existing CORDIC configuration.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param pInBuff Pointer to buffer containing input data for CORDIC processing.
+ * @param pOutBuff Pointer to buffer where output data of CORDIC processing will be stored.
+ * @param NbCalc Number of CORDIC calculation to process.
+ * @param Timeout Specify Timeout value
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_Calculate(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t *pInBuff, int32_t *pOutBuff,
+ uint32_t NbCalc, uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ uint32_t index;
+ const int32_t *p_tmp_in_buff = pInBuff;
+ int32_t *p_tmp_out_buff = pOutBuff;
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if ((pInBuff == NULL) || (pOutBuff == NULL) || (NbCalc == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check handle state is ready */
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Reset CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_BUSY;
+ /* Get tick */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Write of input data in Write Data register, and increment input buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_in_buff);
+ /* Calculation is started.
+ Provide next set of input data, until number of calculation is achieved */
+ for (index = (NbCalc - 1U); index > 0U; index--)
+ {
+ /* Write of input data in Write Data register, and increment input buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_in_buff);
+ /* Wait for RRDY flag to be raised */
+ do
+ {
+ /* Check for the Timeout */
+ if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout)
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (HAL_IS_BIT_CLR(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_RRDY));
+ /* Read output data from Read Data register, and increment output buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_out_buff);
+ }
+ /* Read output data from Read Data register, and increment output buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_out_buff);
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NOT_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ * @brief Carry out data of CORDIC processing in Zero-Overhead mode (output data being read
+ * soon as input data are written), according to the existing CORDIC configuration.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param pInBuff Pointer to buffer containing input data for CORDIC processing.
+ * @param pOutBuff Pointer to buffer where output data of CORDIC processing will be stored.
+ * @param NbCalc Number of CORDIC calculation to process.
+ * @param Timeout Specify Timeout value
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_CalculateZO(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t *pInBuff, int32_t *pOutBuff,
+ uint32_t NbCalc, uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint32_t tickstart;
+ uint32_t index;
+ const int32_t *p_tmp_in_buff = pInBuff;
+ int32_t *p_tmp_out_buff = pOutBuff;
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if ((pInBuff == NULL) || (pOutBuff == NULL) || (NbCalc == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check handle state is ready */
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Reset CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_BUSY;
+ /* Get tick */
+ tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+ /* Write of input data in Write Data register, and increment input buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_in_buff);
+ /* Calculation is started.
+ Provide next set of input data, until number of calculation is achieved */
+ for (index = (NbCalc - 1U); index > 0U; index--)
+ {
+ /* Write of input data in Write Data register, and increment input buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_in_buff);
+ /* Read output data from Read Data register, and increment output buffer pointer
+ The reading is performed in Zero-Overhead mode:
+ reading is ordered immediately without waiting result ready flag */
+ CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_out_buff);
+ /* Check for the Timeout */
+ if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
+ {
+ if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout)
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read output data from Read Data register, and increment output buffer pointer
+ The reading is performed in Zero-Overhead mode:
+ reading is ordered immediately without waiting result ready flag */
+ CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &p_tmp_out_buff);
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NOT_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ * @brief Carry out data of CORDIC processing in interrupt mode,
+ * according to the existing CORDIC configuration.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param pInBuff Pointer to buffer containing input data for CORDIC processing.
+ * @param pOutBuff Pointer to buffer where output data of CORDIC processing will be stored.
+ * @param NbCalc Number of CORDIC calculation to process.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_IT(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t *pInBuff, int32_t *pOutBuff,
+ uint32_t NbCalc)
+ const int32_t *tmp_pInBuff = pInBuff;
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if ((pInBuff == NULL) || (pOutBuff == NULL) || (NbCalc == 0U))
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check handle state is ready */
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Reset CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_BUSY;
+ /* Store the buffers addresses and number of calculations in handle,
+ provisioning initial write of input data that will be done */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NARGS))
+ {
+ /* Two writes of input data are expected */
+ tmp_pInBuff++;
+ tmp_pInBuff++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* One write of input data is expected */
+ tmp_pInBuff++;
+ }
+ hcordic->pInBuff = tmp_pInBuff;
+ hcordic->pOutBuff = pOutBuff;
+ hcordic->NbCalcToOrder = NbCalc - 1U;
+ hcordic->NbCalcToGet = NbCalc;
+ /* Enable Result Ready Interrupt */
+ /* Set back pointer to start of input data buffer */
+ tmp_pInBuff = pInBuff;
+ /* Initiate the processing by providing input data
+ in the Write Data register */
+ WRITE_REG(hcordic->Instance->WDATA, (uint32_t)*tmp_pInBuff);
+ /* Check if second write of input data is expected */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NARGS))
+ {
+ /* Increment pointer to input data */
+ tmp_pInBuff++;
+ /* Perform second write of input data */
+ WRITE_REG(hcordic->Instance->WDATA, (uint32_t)*tmp_pInBuff);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NOT_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ * @brief Carry out input and/or output data of CORDIC processing in DMA mode,
+ * according to the existing CORDIC configuration.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param pInBuff Pointer to buffer containing input data for CORDIC processing.
+ * @param pOutBuff Pointer to buffer where output data of CORDIC processing will be stored.
+ * @param NbCalc Number of CORDIC calculation to process.
+ * @param DMADirection Direction of DMA transfers.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg @ref CORDIC_DMA_Direction CORDIC DMA direction
+ * @note pInBuff or pOutBuff is unused in case of unique DMADirection transfer, and can
+ * be set to NULL value in this case.
+ * @note pInBuff and pOutBuff buffers must be 32-bit aligned to ensure a correct
+ * DMA transfer to and from the Peripheral.
+ * @retval HAL status
+ */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_Calculate_DMA(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t *pInBuff, int32_t *pOutBuff,
+ uint32_t NbCalc, uint32_t DMADirection)
+ uint32_t sizeinbuff;
+ uint32_t sizeoutbuff;
+ uint32_t inputaddr;
+ uint32_t outputaddr;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CORDIC_DMA_DIRECTION(DMADirection));
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if (NbCalc == 0U)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Check if CORDIC DMA direction "Out" is requested */
+ if ((DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_OUT) || (DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN_OUT))
+ {
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if (pOutBuff == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if CORDIC DMA direction "In" is requested */
+ if ((DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN) || (DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN_OUT))
+ {
+ /* Check parameters setting */
+ if (pInBuff == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_PARAM;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hcordic->State == HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ /* Reset CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode = HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_BUSY;
+ /* Get DMA direction */
+ hcordic->DMADirection = DMADirection;
+ /* Check if CORDIC DMA direction "Out" is requested */
+ if ((DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_OUT) || (DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN_OUT))
+ {
+ /* Set the CORDIC DMA transfer complete callback */
+ hcordic->hdmaOut->XferCpltCallback = CORDIC_DMAOutCplt;
+ /* Set the DMA error callback */
+ hcordic->hdmaOut->XferErrorCallback = CORDIC_DMAError;
+ /* Check number of output data at each calculation,
+ to retrieve the size of output data buffer */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NRES))
+ {
+ sizeoutbuff = 2U * NbCalc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sizeoutbuff = NbCalc;
+ }
+ outputaddr = (uint32_t)pOutBuff;
+ /* Enable the DMA stream managing CORDIC output data read */
+ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcordic->hdmaOut, (uint32_t)&hcordic->Instance->RDATA, outputaddr, sizeoutbuff) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_DMA;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Enable output data Read DMA requests */
+ SET_BIT(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_DMA_REN);
+ }
+ /* Check if CORDIC DMA direction "In" is requested */
+ if ((DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN) || (DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN_OUT))
+ {
+ /* Set the CORDIC DMA transfer complete callback */
+ hcordic->hdmaIn->XferCpltCallback = CORDIC_DMAInCplt;
+ /* Set the DMA error callback */
+ hcordic->hdmaIn->XferErrorCallback = CORDIC_DMAError;
+ /* Check number of input data expected for each calculation,
+ to retrieve the size of input data buffer */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NARGS))
+ {
+ sizeinbuff = 2U * NbCalc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sizeinbuff = NbCalc;
+ }
+ inputaddr = (uint32_t)pInBuff;
+ /* Enable the DMA stream managing CORDIC input data write */
+ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcordic->hdmaIn, inputaddr, (uint32_t)&hcordic->Instance->WDATA, sizeinbuff) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ /* Update the error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_DMA;
+ /* Return error status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Enable input data Write DMA request */
+ SET_BIT(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_DMA_WEN);
+ }
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set CORDIC error code */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_NOT_READY;
+ /* Return function status */
+ return HAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Callback functions
+ * @brief Callback functions.
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Callback functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides Interruption and DMA callback functions:
+ (+) DMA or Interrupt calculate complete
+ (+) DMA or Interrupt error
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief CORDIC error callback.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hcordic);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback can be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @brief CORDIC calculate complete callback.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
+ UNUSED(hcordic);
+ /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
+ the HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions_Group4 IRQ handler management
+ * @brief IRQ handler.
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### IRQ handler management #####
+ ==============================================================================
+[..] This section provides IRQ handler function.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Handle CORDIC interrupt request.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_CORDIC_IRQHandler(CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Check if calculation complete interrupt is enabled and if result ready
+ flag is raised */
+ {
+ {
+ /* Decrement number of calculations to get */
+ hcordic->NbCalcToGet--;
+ /* Read output data from Read Data register, and increment output buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &(hcordic->pOutBuff));
+ /* Check if calculations are still to be ordered */
+ if (hcordic->NbCalcToOrder > 0U)
+ {
+ /* Decrement number of calculations to order */
+ hcordic->NbCalcToOrder--;
+ /* Continue the processing by providing another write of input data
+ in the Write Data register, and increment input buffer pointer */
+ CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(hcordic, &(hcordic->pInBuff));
+ }
+ /* Check if all calculations results are got */
+ if (hcordic->NbCalcToGet == 0U)
+ {
+ /* Disable Result Ready Interrupt */
+ /* Change the CORDIC state */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Call calculation complete callback */
+ /*Call registered callback*/
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ /*Call legacy weak (surcharged) callback*/
+ HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CORDIC_Exported_Functions_Group5 Peripheral State functions
+ * @brief Peripheral State functions.
+ *
+ ==============================================================================
+ ##### Peripheral State functions #####
+ ==============================================================================
+ [..]
+ This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Return the CORDIC handle state.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @retval HAL state
+ */
+HAL_CORDIC_StateTypeDef HAL_CORDIC_GetState(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Return CORDIC handle state */
+ return hcordic->State;
+ * @brief Return the CORDIC peripheral error.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module
+ * @note The returned error is a bit-map combination of possible errors
+ * @retval Error bit-map
+ */
+uint32_t HAL_CORDIC_GetError(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic)
+ /* Return CORDIC error code */
+ return hcordic->ErrorCode;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup CORDIC_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Write input data for CORDIC processing, and increment input buffer pointer.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param ppInBuff Pointer to pointer to input buffer.
+ * @retval none
+ */
+static void CORDIC_WriteInDataIncrementPtr(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, const int32_t **ppInBuff)
+ /* First write of input data in the Write Data register */
+ WRITE_REG(hcordic->Instance->WDATA, (uint32_t) **ppInBuff);
+ /* Increment input data pointer */
+ (*ppInBuff)++;
+ /* Check if second write of input data is expected */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NARGS))
+ {
+ /* Second write of input data in the Write Data register */
+ WRITE_REG(hcordic->Instance->WDATA, (uint32_t) **ppInBuff);
+ /* Increment input data pointer */
+ (*ppInBuff)++;
+ }
+ * @brief Read output data of CORDIC processing, and increment output buffer pointer.
+ * @param hcordic pointer to a CORDIC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for CORDIC module.
+ * @param ppOutBuff Pointer to pointer to output buffer.
+ * @retval none
+ */
+static void CORDIC_ReadOutDataIncrementPtr(const CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic, int32_t **ppOutBuff)
+ /* First read of output data from the Read Data register */
+ **ppOutBuff = (int32_t)READ_REG(hcordic->Instance->RDATA);
+ /* Increment output data pointer */
+ (*ppOutBuff)++;
+ /* Check if second read of output data is expected */
+ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_CSR_NRES))
+ {
+ /* Second read of output data from the Read Data register */
+ **ppOutBuff = (int32_t)READ_REG(hcordic->Instance->RDATA);
+ /* Increment output data pointer */
+ (*ppOutBuff)++;
+ }
+ * @brief DMA CORDIC Input Data process complete callback.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void CORDIC_DMAInCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic = (CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Disable the DMA transfer for input request */
+ CLEAR_BIT(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_DMA_WEN);
+ /* Check if DMA direction is CORDIC Input only (no DMA for CORDIC Output) */
+ if (hcordic->DMADirection == CORDIC_DMA_DIR_IN)
+ {
+ /* Change the CORDIC DMA direction to none */
+ hcordic->DMADirection = CORDIC_DMA_DIR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state to ready */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Call calculation complete callback */
+ /*Call registered callback*/
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ /*Call legacy weak (surcharged) callback*/
+ HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ }
+ * @brief DMA CORDIC Output Data process complete callback.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void CORDIC_DMAOutCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic = (CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Disable the DMA transfer for output request */
+ CLEAR_BIT(hcordic->Instance->CSR, CORDIC_DMA_REN);
+ /* Change the CORDIC DMA direction to none */
+ hcordic->DMADirection = CORDIC_DMA_DIR_NONE;
+ /* Change the CORDIC state to ready */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Call calculation complete callback */
+ /*Call registered callback*/
+ hcordic->CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ /*Call legacy weak (surcharged) callback*/
+ HAL_CORDIC_CalculateCpltCallback(hcordic);
+ * @brief DMA CORDIC communication error callback.
+ * @param hdma DMA handle.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void CORDIC_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+ CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *hcordic = (CORDIC_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent;
+ /* Set CORDIC handle state to error */
+ hcordic->State = HAL_CORDIC_STATE_READY;
+ /* Set CORDIC handle error code to DMA error */
+ hcordic->ErrorCode |= HAL_CORDIC_ERROR_DMA;
+ /* Call user callback */
+ /*Call registered callback*/
+ hcordic->ErrorCallback(hcordic);
+ /*Call legacy weak (surcharged) callback*/
+ HAL_CORDIC_ErrorCallback(hcordic);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* CORDIC */