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	<h2 class="title">Edgewood Oak Brush Preserve, Deerpark, NY</h2>
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		It was an overall great ride with the new trails in Edgewood.
		However, if the Red/Black trails are as my friends described them, I would most certainly not recommend them.
		The blue and white trails were great for relaxing, with some fun rolling hills with mostly flat terrain.
		There were a couple of gems such as the Soviet mud sucking down on everyone&#39;s tires or literally getting lost at every crossroad.
		When we went up the powerline road though, it was still covered in snow yay!
		Would do again if I had the chance.
	<img src="deer.jpg" alt="Harrison Vs the Power Line Snow" title="Harrison looks at the snow before getting stuck in it">
	Harrison before perishing on the powerline snow trail.